Stephanie Peltier, parenting expert at All About Parenting

Stephanie Peltier

Parenting Expert

Stephanie Peltier is a speaker, parent coach with All About Parenting, and a social media influencer. She has made it her mission over the years to inspire moms everywhere to live their best life right now. She helps them accomplish this by guiding them through parenthood with empathy, encouragement, and a dash of humor. 


Stephanie Peltier is the dedicated “chaos coordinator” at home for her 5 children and has been fully invested in motherhood since her first child was born over a decade ago. It’s that passion for motherhood that has fueled her journey into becoming a Mommy Mentor on social media to help other struggling moms find peace in themselves and their home. She is also a devoted wife to her first – and only love; they were childhood sweethearts and now have been married for over 16 years.

She homeschools her kids, home birthed her babies, and has a deep love of all things domestic life. You can usually find her in the kitchen whipping up a meal or baked treat from scratch with her kids while jamming out to some upbeat music.

Stephanie Peltier lives “up north” with her family in Forest Lake, Minnesota. In her spare time she reads books by the dozens, enjoys all things crafty, and starts side hustles from her home office.


Because of her passion to support women of all ages, Stephanie has created over 7 programs to help women find transformation in their lives. She’s run workshops and live classes, plus personally coached over 100 women through her programs. She excels in mentoring and inspiring women to find deep inner freedom. Because of her deep interest in Psychology and inner Emotional Work her heart is to help parents move out of emotional “survival mode” and into thriving. 

Certifications and Training

Currently working to become a Certified Parent Trainer with All About Parenting.

Trained in Emotional Release through the RainDrop Technique.

Stephanie Peltier also has many hours of personal study and research in Emotional Healing, PTSD and Trauma support, Counseling, IFS Therapy, and more.


Studied Abroad in Guadalajara, Mexico.

2 Year Biblical Studies and Worship Leading Program.

Additional College Courses.

Parenting Experience (Journey)

Stephanie’s journey through motherhood has been her motivation for many of the endeavors she’s taken on. After experiencing deep prenatal depression, anxiety, and other emotional struggles that affected her abilities as a mom she has been inspired to help others pursue mental health and emotional wellbeing. The All About Parenting program has become a foundational part of her own dramatic transformation and that is why she is so passionate about sharing what she’s learned with others. 

She is committed to not only being the best version of herself for her husband and kids; but also for herself. And it is from this place of committed confidence that she invites other parents to rediscover themselves and experience the deep joy that is balanced parenting. 

Articles Reviewed

How to get a teenager to talk About their feelings

How to Get a Teenager to Talk About Their Feelings: Top Methods for Connecting with Your Child

Child going back and forth between parents

Child Going Back and Forth Between Parents: How to Reduce the Negative Impact

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Wednesday, 02 April, 11:00 – 13:00
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Why Balance is a Lie (And What Moms Actually Need Instead)?

Monday, 07 April, 07:00 – 09:00
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