
Parenting school age child (6-12 years)

This stage is characterized by remarkable changes in children’s abilities, behaviors, and interactions. It is a time when they develop physically, strengthen social bonds, navigate complex emotions, and enhance their intellectual abilities. School-age children become more independent and expand their social interactions beyond the family circle (Sørlie et al., 2021). They begin to develop deep and meaningful friendships and form connections based on shared interests and values. They also begin to understand the concept of teamwork and cooperation, engaging in group activities and collaborative projects (Howe, 2009). Each year brings significant changes in their cognitive abilities. They show improved critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and logical reasoning (Prado, 2019).

During the school-age years, children continue to refine their motor skills and experience significant growth in physical abilities. They show improved coordination, balance, and fine motor skills (Kitsao-Wekulo, 2013). Through sports, dancing, or playing musical instruments, they can improve their muscle strength and control and develop their creativity.

At this stage, they also become more aware of their feelings and the feelings of others. They develop a greater capacity for empathy and understanding, allowing them to navigate complex emotions and build deeper emotional connections with peers and family members (Thomson et al., 2018). They may also develop a sense of their own identity, exploring their interests, values, and beliefs.

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