
Education & Learning for children

From the earliest stages of life, children demonstrate an innate curiosity and thirst for knowledge, laying the foundation for a lifelong journey of learning and self-improvement.

Scientific studies suggest that although genetic factors influence a child’s abilities, the environment also plays an important role in maximizing their learning potential (Kovas et al., 2007). By creating a supportive and nurturing atmosphere, we can promote their cognitive development and unleash their innate talents.

Children’s motivation to learn can be fuelled by an inner drive to acquire and master skills. This self-motivation often mirrors the attitudes and behaviors of significant adults in their lives, such as parents and teachers, solidifying the importance of role models (Wei et al., 2019). Imagine it this way: when grown-ups are positive and uplifting, they spark a kid’s true passion for learning and bettering themselves.

By nurturing children’s natural curiosity and desire to learn, educators and parents can make the learning process itself a rewarding experience. Excessive control or permissiveness can both impede the learning process.

So you’ll have to create a supportive and nurturing environment, provide positive role models, and strike a balance between control and freedom in order to instill a child’s love for learning. And we are happy to be your guide in this journey.

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When it comes to helping a kid doing homework, things can get a bit murky. You might either end up doing the assignment for them or step too far the other way, not getting involved at all, seeing homework as totally their business. What’s key here is to support them in a way that fosters independence, encourages hard work, and shows that while there’s no shortcut to real success, they’re not walking the path alone. Here are some constructive ways to strike that balance:

  • Model a positive attitude toward learning: Keep your home rich with resources. Stack children’s books on shelves, dive into research projects together, and watch documentaries that pique their interest. Many parents use this subtle teaching technique to keep their kids engaged. 
  • Encourage them to try before seeking help: Let them wrestle with problems on their own first before offering help with homework. It’s okay for them to struggle a bit—this is how they learn resilience and problem-solving (Yeager & Dweck, 2012).
  • Identify and address learning gaps: If they’re stuck, step in to see if they missed something crucial in class. Offer different strategies to tackle the problem, or encourage them to find solutions themselves. Provide access to tools that can help them find answers. Whether it’s a calculator, a good encyclopedia, or educational websites, having the right tools can empower a kid doing homework to solve problems independently. 
  • Connect school lessons to real life: Show them how what they learn applies outside the classroom. Whether it’s calculating tips, measuring ingredients for recipes, or planning the fastest route on a trip, real-life applications can make schoolwork more meaningful.

In the end, it’s all about nudging rather than carrying them across the finish line, ensuring they learn the ropes themselves under your watchful and supportive eye. This subtle form of support is what truly empowers them to tackle challenges on their own (Brod, 2021).

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When talking about homework, families often face considerable stress. Things get even more confusing when the question on many people’s lips is ‘Should kids have homework or should we dismiss it?’ The combination of children’s lack of focus and interest, along with parents’ high expectations and frustration over poor grades, can lead to a tense atmosphere at home (Pressman et al., 2015). Fortunately, there are effective strategies to help your child focus on study and become more responsible and engaged with their homework.

  • Empathize, don’t minimize: Instead of laying down the law right away, take a moment to acknowledge the feelings of the kid doing homework. Let them know you understand that some assignments are tough and it’s okay to find them challenging. Say something like, “I see this assignment is a tough nut to crack. Give it another go, and then we’ll tackle it together if you can’t figure it out.” Empathy and humor can make kids more relaxed and more willing to keep on trying.
  • Design a special spot and remove distractions: Create a dedicated, quiet area for homework that’s free from the hustle and bustle of household distractions. This could be a small desk in their room or a corner of the living room set up with all the supplies they might need. A dedicated workspace helps them focus on study and also signals that it’s time to switch to work mode.
  • Allow a smooth transition: After school, give them a moment to shift gears. Allow them to unwind with a snack, some light reading, or a bit of playtime before they dive into homework. This break can help reset their energy and improve concentration when it’s time to hit the books.
  • Set a routine: Establish a regular homework schedule that fits with the rest of their daily activities. When they start, you can set a timer for 25 minutes of work followed by a 5-minute break, mimicking the Pomodoro Technique (Mandal, 2020). This strategy can help the kid doing homework and make working on assignments more bearable and productive. 

These strategies can help make homework less of a chore and more of a predictable, manageable part of their day.

Do you need more practical solutions on this or other topics? Sophie, our clever AI assistant, is ready to help.

For many 3-year-olds, this first dive into school life is a blast—they start making new friends, play nice with caregivers, and dive headfirst into fun activities (Yoshikawa et al., 2013). However, not every kid finds their groove right away. If your child seems to be having a tough time adjusting to kindergarten, here are some steps to help them feel more at home:

  • Empathize and be positive about it: Let them know it’s okay to feel nervous or unsure. It’s a big change from being home with mom and dad. Show understanding and let them express what’s on their mind. Ask: ‘What do kids learn in kindergarten during the day?’ Chat about the exciting things they’ll learn and do. If you can get a peek at the schedule from their teachers, talk about upcoming projects and activities to spark their curiosity. 
  • Set aside time for a gentle drop-off: Rushed mornings can be unsettling for your little one. Try to carve out a calm morning routine that doesn’t make them feel like they’re just part of your to-do list. Ask about the schedule, their friends, what they look forward to, and listen to any concerns they might have. Those extra minutes show you’re on this journey with them and make it more easy for them to detach.
  • Be patient: Guidelines suggest that it can take anywhere from four to six weeks for a young child to fully adjust to this significant change in their life (Datler et al., 2012) . This transition period is a crucial time for both you and your child, as they are not only adapting to a new environment but also new people, new rules, and possibly a new schedule. 
  • Keep at-home atmosphere relaxed: During the first few weeks, it’s important to maintain a consistent routine to help your child feel more secure. A predictable schedule at home, such as regular meal times, nap times, and playtimes, can provide a sense of stability amidst the changes.

By using these strategies, you’ll help pave the way for a smoother adjustment to kindergarten, turning those morning jitters into excitement for all the adventures to come.

When a child hates reading, it seems like a tough sell to get them to flip some pages. Especially when children’s books have to battle with flashy video games and quick-click entertainment. In today’s fast-paced, visual world, sitting down with a book might seem more dreadful than enjoyable for kids, making the future of learning a bit blurry. There’s still hope, however. Reading can still spark a child’s imagination like nothing else—it just takes a bit of creativity to get those pages turning (Pulimeno et al., 2020). Here are some clever strategies:

  • Turn reading into a friendly competition: Kids love a challenge, so why not set up a reading race? They can compete with siblings or friends to finish a book, or see who can read the most each month. You can even sweeten the deal with fun rewards.
  • Make screen-free time, book time: To get your child reading, always keep books handy—whether in your car, your bag, or even the bathroom! Make use of the downtime during doctor’s appointments or long drives as perfect moments for cracking open a children’s book.
  • Create a cozy reading nook: Make a special corner of your home just for reading. Add some comfy pillows, good lighting, and even a small bookshelf to make it inviting. This little haven can be their go-to spot for adventure.
  • Bring books to life: Visual elements could spark child motivation. Sometimes kids need to see a story to love it. Try watching a movie based on a book and then reading the book together. Or the other way around. Discussing the differences can be a fun way to engage with the text.
  • Read together every day: Nothing beats quality time with your child. Make reading a daily habit, even if it’s just for a few minutes. This not only improves their reading skills but also shows that you value books, which can also boost their interest (Irwin et al., 2012).

These verified strategies could be the ones to turn “Do I have to?” into “Just one more chapter!”. Give them a try.

Do you need more practical solutions on this or other topics? Sophie, our clever AI assistant, is ready to help.

Preparing your child for the future can feel like trying to hit a moving target, especially with technology and AI rapidly reshaping our world (Chambers et al., 2018). The jobs of the future may not even exist yet! It’s a common puzzle many parents are trying to solve. If you’re looking to give your child a head start, here are 3 practical steps you can take:

  • Stay informed: Keeping up with the latest trends and developments in technology and education is crucial if you want to effectively prepare your child for the future. Regularly read articles, subscribe to relevant magazines or online platforms and participate in community discussions or workshops focused on the future of education. This will help you understand the skills your child might need and also enable you to introduce these concepts to them at an early age.
  • Cultivate social skills: Focus on nurturing qualities like empathy, resilience, and teamwork. Help them build a strong social network by arranging playdates, involving them in team sports, or signing them up for clubs that match their interests. Learning to navigate social situations and forge friendships will equip them with essential interpersonal skills – these remain valuable, no matter how the jobs of the future will evolve. 
  • Teach financial literacy: Grasping money management from a young age is crucial (Yip et al., 2023). Equip them with the skills to budget, save, and invest. This is essential financial education for kids. Start by introducing basic concepts like earning, saving, and spending, then gradually explore more complex topics. Playing educational games that simulate financial scenarios can make learning about finance both fun and informative.

This proactive approach will help them adapt to new challenges and navigate their future with confidence and skill. Equipping them with a broad set of abilities and knowledge enables them to thrive no matter what opportunities or obstacles come their way.

Getting kids motivated can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. It’s not unusual for all of us to drag our feet now and then, but when your child’s occasional reluctance turns into constant procrastination, it’s time to sound the alarm. A child’s lack of motivation could stem from various reasons—maybe they haven’t discovered an activity they love, or perhaps it’s a symptom of a deeper issue like anxiety or depression (Hellström & Beckman, 2021). Here’s how you can dig a little deeper and help rekindle their spark:

  • Encourage exploration of different activities: Sports are always a good idea. Inside a child who seems lazy, there might be an energetic spirit just waiting for the right opportunity to shine. Sports might bring your child motivation (Gentile et al., 2020). Often, this apparent laziness is actually a sign of under-stimulation. Even if not every kid is going to be the next soccer star or track champion, that’s okay. Help them find their niche by encouraging them to try a variety of activities. Whether it’s a sport, arts and crafts, cooking classes, or strategic games like chess, discovering what they love can ignite a passion that fuels other areas of their life.
  • Set achievable goals and praise effort, not just outcomes: Help them set small, manageable goals that are easy to achieve and build upon. Success in small doses can boost their confidence and motivation. Make sure to recognize and praise your child for their effort, not just for achieving a perfect result. This can help build a resilient mindset where they value trying and improving.
  • Get professional support if you’re worried: It’s important to be aware of the warning signs that may indicate a need for professional intervention. These signs can include persistent sadness, withdrawal from friends and activities they once enjoyed, significant changes in eating or sleeping habits, lack of focus on study, frequent irritability or angry outbursts, and expressions of hopelessness or worthlessness. If you observe any of these warning signs, consulting a therapist, psychologist, or pediatric psychiatrist can provide your child with the appropriate support. 

Summer break is a slice of heaven for kids, a chance to chill out and have some fun away from the pressures of school. However, homework can sometimes tag along during these sunny months. While homework is a handy tool to reinforce learning (Broekman et al., 2020), it mustn’t overshadow the joys of summer. If you feel your child is burdened with too much summer homework, don’t hesitate to discuss it with their school. Here’s how you can help your child strike a healthy balance between free play and schoolwork over the summer:

  • Incorporate it into the daily routine: Slot homework into a consistent part of the day, like an hour after breakfast or before dinner. Making it a predictable part of the day can help your child adjust to doing schoolwork without eating into too much of their playtime.
  • Prioritize passion projects and play: Summer is primarily a break from school—a time for adventure and hanging out with friends. Encourage your child to engage in activities they’re passionate about, which can include educational projects that pique their interest but don’t feel like traditional schoolwork.
  • Connect learning to real-life experiences: Summer offers numerous opportunities to apply school lessons to everyday activities. Whether it’s calculating distances on a family road trip, reading books related to places you visit, or starting a small garden to explore biology hands-on, these activities can make learning feel more relevant and enjoyable. Visits to museums, nature centers, or historical sites can enrich your child’s learning experience without the feel of homework (Unger & Fisher, 2019). 
  • Keep tabs on their progress: Set up regular check-ins to see how your child is doing with their summer assignments. This doesn’t have to be formal; a casual conversation about what they’re working on can keep them on track and show you’re interested in their work without adding pressure.

Helping your kids to focus on study can be challenging. Kids’ attention spans vary widely by age (Betts et al., 2006); younger children may only concentrate for 15-25 minutes at a time, while teenagers might stretch their focus to about 50 minutes. To keep study sessions effective and engaging, it’s key to break larger tasks into bite-sized pieces and allow for plenty of breaks. Here’s how you can help your children maintain their focus while hitting the books:

  • Set clear and timed goals for each session: Before they begin, have a quick discussion about what they aim to accomplish in that study session. Setting small, achievable goals can keep them motivated and give them a sense of accomplishment as they tick off tasks. Help them manage their study sessions with a timer to break down study periods and breaks. For instance, 25 minutes of studying followed by a 5-minute break can keep them refreshed and focused.
  • Tackle the tough stuff first: Encourage your kids to start with the most challenging tasks. It’s natural to gravitate towards easier, more comfortable assignments, but tackling the hard stuff when they’re most alert can make the rest of their study time feel easier.
  • Plan for regular breaks: Recognize when your kids start to get restless or distracted and cannot focus on study—it’s usually a sign that they need a breather. Instead of pushing them to continue, allow a short, timed break to clear their minds (Melguizo-Ibáñez et al., 2024). This could be a few minutes to stretch, grab a snack, or just step away from their desks could increase child motivation.
  • Create a well-equipped, distraction-free zone: Set up their study area with all necessary materials—books, notebooks, pens, and any other supplies. Have them make a checklist of what they need before they start so they don’t have to interrupt their study time looking for things. Make their study space a phone-free and TV-free zone to minimize distractions. If noise is an issue, consider noise-canceling headphones or soft background music to help them concentrate.

By using these strategies, you’re teaching your kids valuable skills for managing their time and work; invaluable traits that will help them in many aspects of their lives. 

Do you need more practical solutions on this or other topics? Sophie, our clever AI assistant, is ready to help.


It’s not uncommon for kids to clash with a teacher now and then, saying their teacher is bad, even in subjects they love (Corlee, 2021). Not every teacher clicks with every student, and that disconnect can sometimes dampen a child’s enthusiasm for learning. If your child loves math but isn’t jiving with their teacher, here are some steps you can take to help bridge the gap: 

  • Have an open chat: Start by talking openly with your child about their feelings. Encourage them to express exactly what about the teacher bothers them. Is it a clash of teaching styles, or are they missing a favorite teacher from the past? Help your child understand that different teachers have different approaches and that adapting to various styles is a useful skill. Discussing what they like and dislike about teaching methods might also help them adapt and find value in their current teacher’s approach. Understanding the full scope of their feelings can help address the issue more effectively.
  • Foster emotional intelligence: Teaching your child how to handle dislikes with grace and diplomacy is valuable. If the issue is simply a matter of personal chemistry and the teacher is otherwise fair and professional, ‘I hate my teacher’ might be a bit harsh. Learning to show kindness and empathy can go a long way in improving their relationship, or at least how they view one another. If connecting on a personal level is crucial for your child’s learning, consider finding a mentor or tutor outside of school. Look for someone who not only excels in math but also matches your child’s personality and learning style.
  • Encourage different learning resources: Sometimes, different perspectives can reignite interest. Encourage your child to use educational apps or online platforms to supplement their learning (Kistner et al., 2015). This might provide them with another teaching technique and alternative explanations that resonate better with them. Join or form math clubs, participate in math competitions, or attend workshops. They could also offer help with math homework to younger students. These activities can help keep your child’s love for math alive and provide them with role models and peers who share their interests.

It’s no secret that small kids are like sponges, soaking up everything around them (Malik & Marwaha, 2023). Parents often keep a close eye on developmental milestones. Questions like ‘When do kids learn colors?’, ‘When do kids learn to read?’, or ‘What are the best educational games for kids?’ crowd up in internet searches. The bottom line, every child is a unique individual and will reach these milestones at their own pace. Here’s how you can nurture your toddler’s learning:

  • They learn by exposure: In their early years, kids learn a ton just by being exposed to new things. Surround them with a variety of toys, books, and activities that encourage exploration. This variety keeps them engaged but also broadens their learning experiences.
  • They naturally learn through cause and effect: Children are naturally curious about the consequences of their actions. Simple activities like playing with blocks (which fall when stacked too high) or interactive games that respond to input can teach them about cause and effect, helping them understand their impact on the world around them.
  • They learn by repetition: Repetition is key to learning for young children. They often want to read the same book or play the same game over and over. This repeated exposure helps solidify what they have learned and reinforces their understanding.
  • They learn by imitation: Children learn a lot by mimicking others. Whether it’s you doing household chores or an older sibling playing a game, they gain valuable skills by copying the actions of those around them.
  • They learn by interactive play: Play alongside your children. This not only strengthens your bond with them but also actively involves you in their learning process (Waters et al., 2022). You can guide them, introduce new concepts, and help them make connections that they might not make on their own. Engage in plenty of conversations with your child. The more words they hear, the better their vocabulary and language skills develop. Even if they’re too young to respond, just hearing language helps them learn.

By integrating these strategies into your daily routine, you provide a rich learning environment that adapts to your child’s natural curiosity and pace of development.

Do you need more practical solutions on this or other topics? Sophie, our clever AI assistant, is ready to help.

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How to Get a Teenager to Talk About Their Feelings: Top Methods for Connecting with Your Child

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