
Andrada Zah

Parenting Editor

Andrada is an experienced professional specializing in mental health and addictions, with a focus on children and adolescents. With over a decade of experience and an international counseling background, she brings valuable expertise to the All About Parenting team. Certified in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Trauma-Informed Practice and Suicide Prevention, Andrada is committed to empowering parents and improving lives. Her academic achievements and tireless dedication make her a trusted resource in the field of parenting.


Andrada is an experienced professional in the field of social work and psychology, specializing in mental health and addictions. Her life’s work embodies her passion for helping children and youth navigate the complex challenges of mental health. Andrada completed most of her studies in Canada and spent a year in Australia providing individual and family counseling, which contributes to her holistic understanding of her field. As an integral part of the All About Parenting team, she tirelessly uses her expertise to inspire and support parents around the globe.


With more than a decade of hands-on experience, Andrada has dedicated her career to working with children and teens struggling with mental health and addiction issues. Her deep understanding of the unique needs and challenges of this population enables her to effect meaningful and lasting change in their lives. In addition to her direct work with individuals, Andrada takes on important roles within the All About Parenting community. As an experienced facilitator of our Masterclasses in the UK, she guides participants to deeper understanding and practical skills. As Content Manager for All About Parenting, Andrada uses her expertise to compile and deliver valuable, insightful resources to our global parenting community. In these roles, she extends her influence and embodies her commitment to improving lives and shaping the future of parenting.

Certifications and Training

Andrada is certified in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Trauma-Informed Practice and Suicide Prevention. These credentials, coupled with her extensive practical experience, allow her to approach each case with sensitivity, precision, and the highest standard of care.


Andrada has a double major in social work and psychology, completed postgraduate studies in mental health and addictions, and earned a master’s degree in psychology. This strong academic background provides the foundation for her exemplary professional practice.

Parenting Experience (Journey)

In her nearly two years at All About Parenting, Andrada has made a significant contribution to the community by guiding parents through the challenges and joys of raising children. Her dedication to her role is a testament to her belief in supporting parents and contributing to the well-being of those who seek support.

Andrada’s passion, knowledge and tireless efforts have proven invaluable to the All About Parenting team. As she continues to inspire and create positive change, her legacy in parenting will continue to grow.

Articles Reviewed


How to Handle a Child Who Always Argues: Effective Strategies

parallel parenting: couple fighting over parenting

Parallel Parenting Techniques: Minimizing Conflict for the Sake of Your Children

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Tuesday, 14 May, 06:00 – 08:00
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