
Child behavior and emotions

Children perceive and interpret their environment differently than adults (Demetriou et al. 2017). As their brains mature, they’re trying to make sense of their surroundings and their place within them. They’re constantly learning, testing, experimenting, and adapting their behavior based on the responses they get. This is also known as learning through cause and effect (Sobel & Somerville, 2010).

Your influence on your child’s behavior is substantial. You are their primary role model and, consequently, the one they often mimic (Atif et al., 2022). Your interactions with them, the tone of your conversations, and your reactions to how they act play a pivotal role in shaping their behavior. But this is not all. It is equally important to recognize the role of inborn traits.

A balanced approach to shaping child behavior requires a combination of understanding and accepting natural predispositions and guiding them toward positive behaviors. Through open communication and active listening, we can get to know our child’s unique personality and tailor our parenting strategies to support their growth and development. In all instances, it is essential to approach your child with empathy, patience, and openness, creating a safe space for them to express their feelings and concerns. Learn how

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Calm Parent, Calm Child: 4 Steps to Manage Meltdowns and Yelling

Tuesday, 14 May, 06:00 – 08:00
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2 participants