
Connection & communication with your child

Scientists have figured out that there are three big things that kids need to grow up strong and healthy. They call them autonomy, competence, and relatedness (Ryan & Deci, 2000). Relatedness is all about making good friends and keeping them. It’s really important for kids to have this. When grown-ups are kind, loving, and really pay attention to a child’s needs, the child starts to feel safe and trusts those around them. This trust and safety is like a strong wall protecting them as they grow up. It helps them deal with tough times and helps them build strong friendships in the future.

Good communication is vital for healthy relationships. And to create an environment where kids feel connected and can communicate well, we need to make a conscious effort. When parents set aside dedicated time to spend with their children on a regular basis, they can participate in activities that strengthen their relationship and connection (Li & Guo, 2023). This could involve shared hobbies, meaningful conversations, or even simple gestures like active listening and validating their child’s feelings.

We are here to provide evidence-based strategies and practical solutions to enhance your parent-child relationships. You will learn about the power of active listening, effective non-verbal communication, and the art of setting healthy boundaries while remaining emotionally available. Together, we can create a generation of individuals who are emotionally resilient, confident, empathetic, and find satisfaction in their personal and social lives.

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Parallel Parenting Techniques: Minimizing Conflict for the Sake of Your Children

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How to Handle a Child Who Always Argues: Effective Strategies

by Lavie Mincu
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Calm Parent, Calm Child: 4 Steps to Manage Meltdowns and Yelling

Tuesday, 14 May, 06:00 – 08:00
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2 participants